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Glass, Ceramic, and Porcelain Tiles

Glass, ceramic, and porcelain tiles are water-resistant, inexpensive, and easy to clean & maintain, making them an ideal option for kitchen or bathroom backsplash, shower walls, and tub surround. Glass, ceramic and porcelain tiles are available in a wide variety of contemporary designs in bold and neutral colors.

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Glass Tiles

Glass tiles are mostly used for kitchen or bathroom backsplash or accent walls. Available with matte or glossy finish, glass tiles are a colorful and inexpensive backsplash choice that can complement a wide variety of interior designs. Glass is often incorporated into mosaic designs as a colorful or reflective accent. Contemporary glass tile options include antique mirror glass tile, inkjet glass tiles (with intricate and realistic patterns or designs), and 3D glass tiles, which add visual interest and depth to a backsplash or feature tile design.

Ceramic Tiles

Glazed ceramic tiles are highly durable and resistant to moisture, making them an excellent wall covering for bathroom or kitchen walls. Other applications for ceramic tiles include tiled countertops and fireplace facades. Ceramic tiles also make a unique tile bar base for a business or home bar. Ceramic tiles are available in a variety of colors and designs for residential and commercial interior projects.

Porcelain Tiles

A type of ceramic, porcelain tiles are a durable and attractive covering for interior walls and floors. Porcelain tiles are ideal for both residential and commercial projects. Many large format porcelain tiles have matte finish and are at least 3/8 in. thick, which makes them a highly durable and practical choice for tiled tub surround, bathroom floors, and entryway floors.

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