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Matte White 12 x 12 Wall Tile with Gold Dots in Tandem
Matte White 12 x 12 Wall Tile with Gold Dots in Tandem

Matte White 12 x 12 Wall Tile with Gold Dots in Tandem

$ 215.00

Sold Per Box of 9 Tiles

(1 box = 8.07 sq ft)

Luxury matte white and gold 12x12 wall tile. Designer white ceramic wall tile with gold dots in tandem columns of dots. Luxe white and gold tile. Not suitable for floors or wet areas like shower. Imported from Brazil. This design is available in additional patterns and colors.

Contact us for a complementary sample

TILE SIZE: 12 x 12 in. (Tile Calculator)

SQUARE FOOT PER TILE: ≈  .90 sq. ft. (9 pieces per box)

BOXES PER CRATE: (Contact for pricing)

INSTALLATION: Individual pieces for standard installation

APPLICATION: Indoor dry residential or commercial walls


Matte White and Gold Dot 12 x 12 Tile

The gold dots pattern ceramic subway tiles are suitable for use as accent wall tile, accent niche tile, or dry bar backsplash tile. Do not install on floors or in wet areas.

OVERAGE: We recommend ordering a minimum of 10% overage to account for design cuts and patterns. We also recommend that you keep a box of tile in storage for future repairs. Visit our Tile Calculator for a rough estimate of your needs.

SAMPLES: Contact us with your address for a complementary sample of this product!

TRADES PROGRAM: This product is eligible for the TileBuys Trades Program.


OUTSIDE THE US? Contact us with quantity and delivery address for shipping rates!

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TILE SIZE: 12 x 12 in. (Tile Calculator)

SQUARE FOOT PER TILE: ≈  .90 sq. ft. (9 pieces per box)

BOXES PER CRATE: (Contact for pricing)

INSTALLATION: Individual pieces for standard installation

APPLICATION: Indoor dry residential or commercial walls



Matte White and Gold Dot 12 x 12 Tile

The gold dots pattern ceramic subway tiles are suitable for use as accent wall tile, accent niche tile, or dry bar backsplash tile. Do not install on floors or in wet areas.


OVERAGE: We recommend ordering a minimum of 10% overage to account for design cuts and patterns. We also recommend that you keep a box of tile in storage for future repairs. Visit our Tile Calculator for a rough estimate of your needs.

SAMPLES: Contact us with your address for a complementary sample of this product!

TRADES PROGRAM: This product is eligible for the TileBuys Trades Program.


OUTSIDE THE US? Contact us with quantity and delivery address for shipping rates!

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